Healthy Audits

Food and water may be associated with certain hazards due to improper handling and storage techniques, making it unfit for the consumption. Food Safety refers to techniques and methods involved in various stages of food production aiming to provide safe food that covers entire chain, from production to consumption. Ensuring ideal practices helps preventing from food/water borne illnesses.

Inspections are for?
A. Assist food businesses achieve the requirements of the Food Safety Standards.
B. Raise the level of compliance with food legislation throughout the food industry.
C. Check whether the business processes that food is safe for service by looking at:


      Prerequisite programs

      Facilities provide

      Existing FSMS

Audits play a fundamental role in certifying that proper food safety practices are being abided to. Audits are a crucial component of maintaining food safety standards and certification, stipulates effective GMP & GHP. Raise the level of compliance with food legislation throughout the food industry.

GAP-audit- Identify the loops in the premises and provide the solutions to meet the specifications as per FSSAI guidelines.

Off-site Vendor Audits- This provides a set of model requirements to help food business to attain a higher standard of food hygiene and safety through adoption of good practices.

Implementation of FSMS- This is to provide implementation guidance to food businesses (especially the small and medium businesses) involved in food production, storage and transportation to ensure that critical food safety related aspects are addressed throughout the supply chain.